Saturday, November 12, 2005

11/12 Update

I am finally feeling almost "ok" after that last dose of chemo. However I seem to have picked up some of the chronic side effects which I have had before. I have pretty bad Neuropathy during my BEP chemo and for about a year and a half afterwards. This chemo has brought the symptoms back. it basically makes your feet and hands ultra-sensitive to the point where buttoning a shirt is impossible (I've caught mine before it is that bad).

I am going to see my doctor next Tuesday and I plan on talking to him about my schedule. While I am feeling better, and eating better too. I am still losing weight. I weighed 132lbs last Thursday, meaning I lost 6 more pounds over the last week. The only jeans I have that fit are size 28, most from I weighed 198lbs are size 34. I really cannot afford to lose anymore weight. I am trying to gain by adding supplements and eating throughout the day. Hopefully I will have gained weight at my next weigh-in.

I am feeling good and I am enjoying my weekend. I hope all is well with you.



Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Today is a good day

So far so good, I think the toxins from the chemo are slowly fading out. I am still weighing my options and plan on talking to my oncologist at my next visit. I really would like to feel good during Thanksgiving, we are planning on visiting my parents and my brother.



Monday, November 07, 2005


Well, I finished the first round of Gemzar last week. I have felt really crappy ever since. Lots of Nausea, vomiting, and almost no appetite. The weight loss is really starting to catch up with me, last weigh I was 138lbs, I was about 197lbs before my last surgery. It's to the point where I am scared that I won't be able to gain more weight while going through more chemo. I am seriously considering calling this treatment to a halt until I can get healthy. If you saw me in person you would shocked at how skinny I am, I am shocked and it is weighing on my mental state. Along with the other problems I have endured over the past months.

Here is a brief rundown of my medical treatments for cancer the last two years:

9/03 - 4xBEP chemo - very strong chemo, very strong side effects. I was in my best shape and was able to endure it well.
1/04 - Radical Prostatectomy - I bounced back pretty well and finished my undergrad that spring.
11/04 - Radical Lymphnodectomy - Again I recovered from the surgery pretty well.
1/05 - 4xAdria (The Red Devil) - I tolerated the chemo well, lost some weight but bounced back shortly after completion.
6/05 - Radical pelvic resection - I lost my bladder, rectum, and most of the surrounding tissue with the hope of curing the disease. This surgery still has lingering effects and I have yet to fully recover.
7/05 - neutron Therapy - In the hope of controlling the local disease in my pelvis I had this type of radiation. It is at this time I find out that I have lung mets (tumors), last count was 20.
9/05 - Ifosimide/DTIC - I had one week of this chemo and almost went crazy, I stopped it.
10/05 - Gemzar - My last option, quality of life concerns are forcing me to face whether the treatment is worthwhile.

So as you can see I have a lot on my mind right now.

--I went by my oncology clinic today and had my blood counts checked, they were all good!