Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Thank you

Thanks to all of our friends, family, supporters, and prayer warriors. We appreciate the outpouring of support from everyone. The posts on the blog have meant so much to us all. The flood of cards with support and prayers is so comforting. I am amazed by the amount of support for the children's college fund. That was such a wonderful idea Andrew came up with. It will now have time to earn interest, and will be a wonderful gift to them later in life. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful network of people who will be there to help when we need it. There aren't really words to express the comfort it gives me.

I would like to publicly thank my Mother, Debi, and my Mother-in-law, Margaret. Though I have had support from many others throughout the last few years during Andrew's battle, they have given me a gift that I will never be able to repay. They allowed me to be the best caregiver that I could. They allowed me to call and arrange childcare with them at a last minute notice, so I could run and be with Andrew wherever in the country he might need me. I feel blessed to know that I gave Andrew all that I had, and you both helped me do that. Thank you.

I would also like to thank my Dad, Wayne. Dad you've been so amazing. I've called on you nearly weekly, sometimes daily, to help me around the house. You've helped me remodel, and you've done everything I've asked of you, and sometimes things I didn't ask, but that you knew needed to be done. Thank you.

Frank I'd like to thank you for being there to support Margaret, me, and Andrew anytime we needed you. And, for being supportive, of Margaret being here with us more than she could be with you in Ohio. Thank you.

Dan, Miranda, Jenny, Ellen, Fr. Steve, thanks so much for being there days on end with us at the hospital. Thanks for praying, and crying, laughing, and making those last days and hours with Andrew a time I will never forget.

Thank you Andrew for giving us everything you had those last days, everything that we all remember as just being Andrew, from the Southpark and cracking jokes to being the smart aleck you always were, and for the amazingly touching words to us all.

I will continue to update my blog, to let everyone know how we are doing. I am planning to continue the blogging effort in a way to carry on Andrew's mission, to be vocal about his story because it might impact someone's life. I will continue to post information vital to all of us about cancer and how we can make a difference. I have applied to the LAF to attend Washington DC in May for Livestrong Day, and hope to be accepted next week. Andrew asked me to promise that I would be there to tell his story. I will always tell his story. I will also tell mine.

Livestrong always,

Amy Molenda



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Amy,
You are more than welcome. It was my honor and way to express my love to be able to facillitate your being with Andrew. You and the children have my love and devotion. As my father always told me and I've always told my children, "I'll always be right behind you".
Margaret, Andrew's Mom

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you, Amy.


8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To one of the strongest women I have ever met -- I am sure I won't be the only one to help you keep Andrew's story alive. And yours.

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To one of the strongest women I have ever met -- I am sure I won't be the only one to help you keep Andrew's story alive. And yours.

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Amy,
My name is Tom i am a friend of Kims in Prague and from London.
Wow Andrew seemed a wonderful person and i feel i knew him by reading everything on here.
I am so sorry for your loss but i know Andrew will be kept alive through you and your lovely children.
I myself have just found out my mum has what they think is bone cancer but not sure yet and are doing tests. they know its some sort of cancer but have taken 6 months to get to this. meen while she has been in loads of pain and as lost half her body weight and is as white as a ghost.
She has tumors on her ribs and they are also testing her liver they also took off half a liter of pus from her diaphram area although she has no temp.
I have done some reserch on the internet.
I just needed to tell someone who might understand how i feel.
Thank you.

3:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ran my first ever 10k today at the Oklahoma City Memorial run. I thought of Andrew often and made it through.

Continuing to livestrong through his influence.

7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To my sweet daughter, Amy

OK - I'm probably the last person to read this update - I just keep forgetting about the whole 'BLOG' thing - but that doesn't mean I don't read it occasionally!

Amy, I know that having your precious family opened up to such an invasive lifestyle was the last thing on earth you two ever wanted, but you both carried that burden with such dignity! You had such a wonderful life as a family unit in and of its own self until cancer blew it wide open. As I listened to your painful words everytime you cried and said, 'But I just want my life back' it broke my heart. Especially the time you said, "I'm never going to have it back, am I? It's never going to be the same." My heart went out to you so deeply and all I could think of so many times was 'did I say the right thing?' What do you say when your baby is losing her husband, her best friend? There are no words that can explain that kind of pain and love. But actions do speak louder than words and I am grateful that you did let us reach out and help you some even though I know how hard it was at first to ask for help. My love for you is the greatest of any I've experienced on this sweet Earth and my desire is to share that love with you and your babies until God takes us home (where we can all have a Guiness with Andrew!). Thanks for loving me back and letting me love you and your family. Happy Birthday tomorrow Andrew!
Love always - OKC Mom

3:00 PM  
Blogger Scott Joy said...

According to our TC-Cancer.com support forums, we celebrate the 31st anniversary of Andrew's birth today, July 4, 2006. We continue to remember Andrew and look to his example of how to live strong and to give back, no matter what may happen.

7:33 AM  

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