Thursday, October 20, 2005

We are in Austin!!

And I am beat! I can't believe we made it through everything between the flights and schleping all our crap between planes. But it was all made better when we arrived in Austin started meeting some friends from the CCC (Cyclists Combating Cancer).

The tandem bike that Dan arranged for us to ride on is a beast. I'll get some pics and post them soon.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

So far So good

I finished my Gemzar treatment this afternoon and had no complications. I pretty much slept right through it all. They also ran a CBC on me and my HGB was down to a 7.1, the lowest over the past couple months. So I get to go into the hospital for 3 units of blood, a little boost for the RFTR!


Monday, October 17, 2005

Tomorrow is the day

Chemo begins again. This time it is "GEMZAR" a new drug for me, but a one that has shown promise on soft tissue sarcoma cells. No one knows how well it will work on my specific type of sarcoma, since it can't really be typed by the pathologists.

My pain in my legs, hips, and back seems to be under some moderate control with the recent increase in pain meds (40mg Oxycontin - 3xday, 10mg Lortab - As needed). Along with a nice wooden cane my parents bought me from Amish country in Ohio, and of course the wheel chair if I have to be on my feet much. I used the wheel chair at the store the other day but ended up get winded pretty easily.

I got a letter from my employer asking me to apply for "Long Term Disability". This will cut my pay and my job will no longer be held for me if I reach a remission period. This obviously is a cause of stress for both Amy and I, but we'll make it. Just another hurdle along the path.