Sunday, January 21, 2007


A few months ago while looking through Andrew's email account I came across an e-mail. I had never seen it as it was sent to his parents and his siblings. I thought it was very beautiful, so I thought I would share.

It was written November 9, 2005.

I just want all of you to know that I love you with all of my heart. I feel like there is nothing stronger than the bond of a family. I
feel the same way about my little family (Amy, Liam, Lanie, Evan). I always want you to know how close I hold my relationships with each of you to my heart. You have all shaped the person that I have become, and I know that I have had the same effect on you.

I know that we are dispersed right now, and that my medical situation is a heavy emotional burden for all. I hope that you find peace with it and know that I have already found that peace. If and when I pass on, I will do so as a blessed and fearless man. I could not ask for a better family to raise me. I am very proud of each of you. I feel like I have accomplished some great things in my 30 years and you have been a part of it along the way.

I love you & livestrong,

Andrew (AJ) Molenda