Wednesday, September 14, 2005

September is:

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Gynecological Cancer Awareness Month
Leukemia & Lymphoma Awareness Month
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month - Prostate Cancer Awareness Week (Sept. 18 - 24)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Livestrong e-cards

The LAF has launched these e-cards to encourage survivor's friends and families to join the team and add their voice to survivorship issues. You can do so by clicking here.

9/13 Update

I had my pre-chemo appointment with my oncologist. The results of my bone-scan were finally revealed. Everything looked normal. However since my pain in my back/hip/leg continues to get worse they want to do an MRI to figure out what is going on. That should happen this week. I begin chemo tomorrow it'll take about 4-5 hours. This time I will have an IV pump hooked up during the three treatment days so I can get a steady flow of one of the meds.

When I got home I shot a fever of 102, hopefully it's just what the kids had earlier this week and not my abscess becoming a systemic infection.

I go in early in the morning to start my chemo and I'll see what they think of my fever.