Friday, February 25, 2005

Today has been nuts

What started as a normal day has gotten crazy. I'm feeling pretty good, not nearly as sleepy. But our plumbing decided to get stopped up in the middle of a laundry cycle. As you can imagine we've gotten to spend our afternoon cleaning up the mess.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Wednesday was the day of rest

I think I may have pushed myself a little too much on Monday and Tuesday because I didn't do much but update my blog and sleep yesterday. At least I'm almost through this week and I can start looking forward to gaining my strength back before the next and FINAL treatment! Feels really good to be able to say that.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Photos from Monday's treatment day

Here I am about 45 min after treatment sporting my bandage from the chemo and about to go for a ride. I couldn't pass up the pretty weather in Tulsa on Monday.
Here's a pic of me getting the chemo push. Lindsey is one of the oncology nurses that has taken care of me since my first treatment of BEP.
Adra, I get these 4 syringes each treatment.
A common site, me waiting for the treatment while playing my gameboy.
Here's a pic of me and Dr. Langerak, he's my local oncologist who has treated me since I was diagnosed with EGC.
Pics from my treatment day on Monday. This is Jodi, she's Dr. Langerak's nurse who has taken care of me since day one.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Broadband Internet

I'm in between broadband services right now, Cox will have us set up with cable internet on Tuesday. I won't go into the details, but I'm not doing business with SBC for a long time. I have my next treatment day on Monday and Neulasta shot on Tuesday. I'll make some posts once I get my cable service turned up.
