Thursday, January 12, 2006


Well, since Andrew was handling the full liquids good, and he actually got some through the digestive tract several times, rather than going backwards to water, they have decided to move on forward just slowly. So, he got to start a soft diet today. So far so good. He hasn't been feeling full and things seem to go down fine. The doctors are planning to keep him a bit longer in the hospital, but don't anticipate any problems. :)

I mentioned that I thought he was looking a bit yellow this morning, so they ordered a liver panel. Everything looked fine, but his bilirubin was a bit low (it would be high with jaundice). The TPN can cause some issues like this because TPN is processed by the liver. So, it's working harder. I'm sure it will resolve once they get him off the TPN, and it looks like that won't be a problem since eating is going well.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me know when you want cinnamon pull-apart ;-)
Love, Mom

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm good for a pot of vegetable soup (can be pureed). Just say when.
Sally Carter

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


just flashed back to that summer -- think it was over 105 degrees for couple straight months -- so we would wake up watch price is right -- and drink chocolate milkshakes all day long (must have put on a good 20 pounds that way)

nothing against sally's vegetable soup - but nothing beats a good milkshake


10:36 AM  
Blogger Andrew Molenda said...

I'll never forget that summer either, I seem to remember putting raw eggs in the shakes and gaining a ton of weight.

I would love some homemade vegetable soup, we'll have to work out the details.

You know I'll never turn down pull-a-part. For the uninitiated imagine a breadloaf made of the best part of a cinammon roll!

7:39 PM  

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