Monday, January 09, 2006


Just about 10-15 minutes prior to them coming to get Andrew for surgery. He had a bowel "explosion." (Sorry, but that is the best way to describe what happened). :) Anyway, that could be a VERY good sign. The contents seemed to be bile, and they tested it for blood, and there was blood present. It didn't seem that this was a blockage that would pass on its own, so we're not positive exactly what happened. The internal medicine doc says that maybe the pressure building for so long could've forced its way through. Anyway, the doc called the surgeons and they've held up the surgery. I haven't heard from the surgeon, but I'm assuming they'll want a new CT scan to see
what the blockage looks like at this point.

Keep the prayers coming!



Anonymous Anonymous said...


We just wanted you to know that our hearts and prayers go out to you and your family. Thanks so much for keeping us posted.

Many prayers,

Friends at Cincinnati OHA

1:25 PM  

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