Sunday, June 12, 2005

Getting Ready for Indy

Today is the last day before the big trip. Time to pack things up, get all my pre-op prep meds together, and enjoy some pre-surgery time with the family. I won't be able to lift anything for a while, so I'm getting all my horseplay in with my kids today. My little ones, Lanie and Evan, enjoy being held up so they can play like they are superheroes. Super-Lanie likes to fly around and give her brothers and Mommy kisses. Super-Evan just giggles. Yesterday was Amy's birthday, so I did as much as I could to give her a day of rest (she really needs one, these kids are a handful even when I'm 100%). Tonight we're having her birthday dinner at my Mom's, homemade lasagna.

My next blog entry will be from Indy.




Blogger Scott Joy said...

I look forward to hearing the good word from Indy, Andrew!

1:39 PM  

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