Sunday, February 13, 2005

Meds Meds Meds

Here's all the meds I am currently on:

Adriamycin - Chemotherapy drug. Side affects include hair loss, low red (anemia) and white (neutropenia) blood cell counts, changes in the way food tastes, darkening of the skin pigment, discoloration of the veins during a push, and possible tissue necrosis if the adria leaks outside of the vein.

Ativan - Used for nausea, anxiety, and as a sleeping aid (really a miracle pill for the chemo patient)

Decadron - steroid for nausea (given an IV and in pill form)

Emend - Special Anti-nausea drug taken on chemo day and the next two consecutive days

Zofran - Anti-nausea wonder pill taken as needed (very expensive)

Lexapro - For the stress and anxiety of being a cancer survivor

Prevacid - For the heartburn that you get from chemo

Neulasta - White Blood cell booster shot to prevent neutropenia (My white blood cell counts were very low the last time I was on chemo)

Lortab - for the intense bone pain caused by Neulasta

Phenergan - Yet another anti-nausea med, only used as a last resort since it knocks me out. (Pill and Gel form)

Daily vitamin - necessary since the chemo strips vitamins and minerals out of your body. One Source brand from Wal-Mart is the best one I have found.

That's all I am currently on, except for one other nausea IV drug that I can't remember. At $25-$50 a re-fill even with a prescription plan this gets expensive.


Blogger Andrew Molenda said...

And believe it or not this is actually less than I was on last time I had chemo!

3:57 PM  

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