Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Back in the hopsital again

Last night I was running 103 degree fever. When I went to bed, I found a pretty large, uncomfortable lump on my upper thigh. I immediately started to wonder if this was related to the abcess in my abdomen that I got back in July. I called the on-call doctor because the pain was pretty severe. After talking with the on-call we decided to call my oncologist in the morning to see if I could get in to see him. Well, I couldn't get an appointment because he was out of town. Luckily I already had an appointment set up with my local surgeon, Dr. Milsten. Once there, it was determined that we were dealing with an abcess or hematoma. They took a couple of blood samples and did a CT. The CT looked consistent with an abcess, because they could see an air pocket on the film (representing bacteria present). Dr. Milsten had me admitted tonight. I'm receiving platelets through the night (I'm too low for surgery at - 62,000). They scheduled surgery for 8:00am to put in a drain which will help relieve some pressure and give the infected fluid a way out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's carrying White Sox Fever to the extreme!

8:57 AM  
Blogger Andrew Molenda said...

LOL, that's a good way of looking at it.

3:31 PM  

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