Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The debate is still on.....

Haven't heard from the UW doctor or anyone else at this point. I'll call tomorrow if I don't hear by that afternoon. I am starting to lean towards staying home and going with the conventional radiation. I'm still waiting until I can get some more opinions to make a final decision.

I saw my local surgeon/urologist today and I finally got rid of the staples and catheter! I'm still really sore, but it feels good not to have either of them. He said everything looked good.

I am consistently impressed with how Amy is handling everything. I can't lift any of the little ones or do much to take care of anyone other than myself. She is doing twice the work and still helping me with taking care of everything.



Blogger Amy said...

You would do the same for me. It's a labor of love. :) I know it's difficult being "on the fence" with the decision about whether to go with standard or neutron beam therapy, but the right answer will come. I love you, and I am consistently impressed with how strong you are. Through everything you just keep fighting. You're an oncology superstar not only for having such a rare case, but also for being amazingly strong and truly inspiring. :)

4:39 PM  

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